Welcome to the lash life.
Classic lashes are the perfect introduction into this incredible world of transforming peoples faces.
This course will teach you how to map, conceal, design, enhance, and everything in between to create the most incredible, seamless lash extensions you will ever see.
The kit includes an extensive range of lash extensions in multiple lengths, curls and thicknesses, with multiple models being enhanced during the training to allow you hands-on practice to understand which extensions to apply to different natural lashes to maximise retention, and keep your clients coming back.
With both Designer Lashes & Dream Beauty running the course, you have the combined knowledge of two trainers who have been extensively trained, both undertaking multiple courses to ensure they are both extensively knowledgeable in this industry.
Claire from Designer Lashes has spent years researching the beauty sector to bring you the ultimate lash products for pristine results, and Jody from Dream Beauty has run a salon for multiple years with a dedicated client base who are dedicated to her exclusive work, as well as a Youtube channel showing best beauty practises and method demonstrations.
With a combined 26 years of lashing experience, your two trainers know the best methods to create gorgeous lashes, with one example being the Lash Master Mirror included in your kit being designed by Jody, to allow for easy styling.
By placing this mirror on the gel pad you are able to see the finished view of the extensions you are applying, which can look dramatically different to the birds eye view we typically see when lashing.
This allows for full, even coverage, and makes utilising advanced curls, such as M & L, considerably easier.
This training academy is dedicated to ensuring you succeed.
Not only is this course extensively hands-on, with outstanding mentoring afterwards to ensure you reach your full potential, we are committed to helping you establish your own client base by having you work in our salon alongside us, allowing you to experience a true salon environment.
We will also list you on our website as a certified lash artist to promote you and allow clients to find your new business easily.
​Every trainee will receive a manual & certificate to confirm attendance, with a certification of achievement issued after successful completion of our course.
What's in the kit?
